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allotment definition Reverso

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Allotted dictionary definition

Needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Partition, apportionment, division; the distribution of land under an inclosure act or shares in a public underinking or corporation. Company Share means one share of common stock of the Company, $0.01 par value per share.

Allotted dictionary definition

Infoplease knows the value of having sources you can trust. Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with facts. Our editors update and regularly refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable information. Designated Period means a period following the termination of the Employee’s employment hereunder equal to the longer of twelve months and the Severance Period. If a Trainee is awarded an extension to their Allotted Time but then experiences additional Exceptional Circumstances during this extension, then additional time may be added onto this extension, at the absolute discretion of the Appeal Panel or Appeal Review Panel. You must conduct an exit interview and complete the Exit Feedback Template with all claimants that have completed their Allotted Time on Supervised Jobsearch.

Terry Waite’s allotment

Add allotted to one of your lists below, or create a new one. When plants outgrow their allotted space you need to prune or replant them.

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Time-share unit means a condominium unit in which a time-share estate or a time-share license exists. Allotted Timemeans the period of exactly two years and three calendar months, commencing on the date of enrolment by the Trainee on the Scheme for Registration. «I love the UD site alot.» After spell checking in Outlook, you end up with «I love the UD site allot.» Late 15th century from Old French aloter, from a- (from Latin ad ‘to’) + loter ‘divide into lots’. The newspaper will allot a full page to each of the three mayoral candidates.

allot ​Definitions and Synonyms

To add entries to your own vocabulary, become a member of Reverso community or login if you are already a member. (in U.S. military use) the portion of pay that an officer or enlisted person authorizes to be paid directly to another person, as a dependent, or an institution, as an insurance company. Brush up on your geography and finally learn what countries are in Eastern Europe with our maps.

What is the synonym of alloted?

part, portion, prorate, share (out), split.

Every allotment note must be in a form sanctioned by the board of trade. The allottee, that is, the person in whose favor it is made, may recover the amount in the county court. Sandbox Learning is part of Sandbox & Co., a digital learning company.


The determination of fair market value by an Independent Appraiser shall be based upon the fair market value of the Issuer determined on a going concern basis as between a willing buyer and a willing seller and taking into account all relevant factors determinative of value, and shall be final and binding on all parties. In determining the fair market value of any shares of Common Stock, no consideration shall be given to any restrictions on transfer of the Common Stock imposed by agreement or by federal or state securities laws, or to the existence or absence of, or any limitations on, voting rights. Allotted Timemeans the maximum period of time in which all outcomes for a Participant must be achieved. Allotted time is continuous and starts at the point of referral to NEA via PRaP. This is the maximum period of time in which all outcomes for a participant can be achieved. 66 weeks will be for exceptional circumstances only and allows for re-referrals to complete the remaining weeks on the pre start-up period & breaks during the 26 week trading period.

  • The maximum NEA Phase 2 Allotted Time period for a new business start participant is 92 weeks.
  • Free Time means the period specified in the terminal schedule during which cargo may occupy space assigned to it on terminal property, including off-dock facilities, free of wharf demurrage or terminal storage charges immediately prior to the loading or subsequent to the discharge of such cargo on or off the vessel.
  • The word used when speaking about working on your allotment, allotment in this sense meaning a small piece of land you own for growing food on.
  • Many students have complained about the poorly allotted parking spaces at the university.
  • This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.

Something that’s allotted is distributed, or shared, like your allotted number of pizza slices. It can also mean your share of a job; on family clean-up day, your allotted task could be taking out the garbage. The Germanic word loter, «lot» or «share,» is at the root of allotted. A plus loter form the Old Allotted dictionary definition French aloter, «to divide into lots.» When you’re spelling allotted remember to double up the ls and the ts. Most of the students completed the exam in the allotted time. The definition of allotted means to have put aside for a particular reason. Allotted Timemeans thirteen weeks Claimant participation.

ALLOT Definition & Legal Meaning

His meager allotment of gas had to be saved for emergencies. This article contains general legal information but does not constitute professional legal advice for your particular situation. The Law Dictionary is not a law firm, and this page does not create an attorney-client or legal adviser relationship. If you have specific questions, please consult a qualified attorney licensed in your jurisdiction. Voting Record Time means the time and date to be specified as the voting record time for the Scheme Meeting in the Scheme Document.

  • The newspaper will allot a full page to each of the three mayoral candidates.
  • Partition, apportionment, division; the distribution of land under an inclosure act or shares in a public underinking or corporation.
  • Time share means a right to occupy a unit or any of several units during three or more separate time periods over a period of at least three years, including renewal options, whether or not coupled with a fee title interest in the common interest community or a specified portion thereof.
  • Everyone connected with the show had their allotted task.
  • Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge.

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